The mission of the Alliance is to ensure the timely and responsible development of offshore wind in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of New York state, at a level necessary to contribute to New York’s mandate for a 100% emissions-free grid by 2040. We will strategically advocate for cutting-edge policies that achieve this offshore wind power development and protect coastal and marine ecosystems, and will strive to create in-state, quality, family-sustaining jobs, and reinvestment in New York’s disadvantaged communities.
The Alliance for Clean Energy New York recognizes that we are in unprecedented times. We share in the heartache that our City and State has been at the epicenter of the U.S. COVID-19 crisis, and that the pandemic has affected brown and black New Yorkers disproportionately. Layered on top of the loss of more than 100,000 lives is the latest evidence of continuing police brutality, racial injustice, discrimination, and now a Nation convulsed with frustration, anger, and fear. We want to express our solidarity and outrage with New Yorkers that face racial bias and a legacy of racism, as well as deep sympathy with all of the families and loved ones of New Yorkers lost to COVID-19. Black Lives Matter.
Clearly, our State and our country is being challenged as never before. It is in this context that we continue our mission to promote clean energy. We want pollution-free power to be a force of good – to create jobs and cleaner air, and help New York achieve its ambitious climate and renewable energy standards. The climate crisis is already impacting vulnerable communities across the country and around the world. Today’s two tragedies of COVID-19 and police brutality – both which affect people of color so much more than others – remind us that we also need to keep racial justice and equal opportunity as core values as we pursue our mission. We are aware that those that are least responsible for the climate crisis frequently bear the harshest burden. It is in that spirit that we do our work today.