On October 6, 2020, ACE NY co-hosted an event with Solar Energy Industries Association, American Wind Energy Association, New Yorkers for Clean Power, NY Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium, and American Council on Renewable Energy as part of Acore’s a Renewable America jobs tour.
On October 6, ACE NY held an online technical dialogue/townhall discussing how pairing solar and wind energy projects with energy storage can help New York meet its ambitious 70% by 2030 clean energy requirement about projects that pair wholesale renewable energy with energy storage. There is growing interest in large-scale projects that pair batteries with solar power or pair batteries with wind turbines developing new “hybrid” (solar and storage or wind and storage) projects in the state, as the costs of battery storage continue to rapidly decline. But as often the case with any new technology, the rules often need time to catch up with the innovation. We discussed what the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) has already done to facilitate renewables + storage projects; what wind and solar developers would like to further change regarding NYISO rules; and the thorny questions that remain about how to best balance the need for energy storage with efficient operation of the grid.
Speakers included:
Dr. William Acker, Executive Director, NY-BEST
Dave Gahl , Senior Director of State Affairs, Northeast, SEIA
John Broadbeck, Senior Manager of Transmission, EDPR
Mike DeSocio, Senior Manager of Market Design at the NYISO
Pete Fuller, Principal of Autumn Lane Energy Consulting
Moderator: Anne Reynolds, Executive Director, ACE NY
Full recording here.
Presentation slides here.
Media Coverage:
October 6, 2020: Politico Pro: Renewables Plus Storage [paywall], by Marie J. French
October 8, 2020: RTO Insider: NY Solar Plus Storage to Grow Dramatically, by MIchael Kuser